
The Advantages of Normalizing Heat Treatment of Parts

1:06 Min read time
NOVEMBER 28, 2017

One of the many services we offer our customers at Bluewater Thermal Solutions is the option to discuss the specific treatment option that will best suit each part, based on material, as well as the intended use of a specific component.

Often, we find that the Original Equipment Manufacturer has a good understanding of the treatment options but may not understand all the advantages of one treatment over another. In addition, the customer may not understand that not all metals and alloys will respond the same way to a process, which is an essential consideration if normalizing heat treatment is being used.

Why Use This Treatment

In general, the choice of normalizing heat treatment is important when there is a need to provide a uniform, pearlitic structure within the material at a microscopic level. This can include a change in the ferrite grains or carbides in the material, but this will always be dependent on the percentage of carbon in the alloy.

Many people assume that the normalizing process increases the strength of the metal or restores the strength of the metal after working. While this is true in many cases, it is also possible that the process may also cause a decrease in overall strength with given alloys and metals.

What will occur with all normalizing heat treatment is overall stress relief throughout the component combined with an increase machinability. It is important to consider if the part is to be worked on further after the process is completed.

At Bluewater Thermal Solutions, we will carefully consider all aspects of the material and the normalization process. This includes the correct temperature to maintain during the heating phase of the process combined with the correct still air or moving air to provide the ideal final structure for the part or component based on the OEM's desired end results.

Call us today at 877.990.0050 to speak to our team and learn more about specific recommendations for your next order.

Tell us how we can help

Bluewater Thermal Solutions specializes in all types of heat treating processes including brazing, nitriding, boronizing, carbonitriding & carburizing, and more. We offer a wide array of heat treating and boronizing processes at 11 different locations. To find out how we can serve your induction hardening needs, call us today at 877.990.0050, or request a quote on our website for services.

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